If you are hosting an event with someone that does not have access to your account, you can add them as a cohost. This will give them access to make changes to the design and details, edit the guest list, send out to guests, send additional messages and reminders, and track guest responses. However, they will not be able to view your full Address Book, make changes to your account settings, or make purchases on your behalf.
Step 1: Click the “Details” step.
Step 2: Click the “Information” section.
Step 3: Click "Notifications and Cohosts" to expand section.
Step 4: Click "+Add Cohost."
Step 5: Enter in the email address of the person you would like to share the event with.
Step 6: Click the "Save" button.
*NOTE* Your cohost will receive an email letting them know that they have been added as a cohost to your mailing. If they already have a Greenvelope account, the can find it under "Shared Mailings" on the left-side menu bar inside their account. If they do not, they will be prompted to create one using the email address you have provided.